Monday 4 July 2011

Will I have to take my clothes off?

When I'm talking to people about homeopathy and about what I do they will often ask me this question. And the answer is no, you don't have to take your clothes don't even have to take your coat off if you don't want to!

In a consultation all you really have to do is be able to tell me about what's troubling you. This could be the rash on your skin or the pain in your back or it could be the feelings you have about something that is going on in your life. This is what I'll want to know about, and I won't have to see it if you don't want me to.

Once you have told me about your symptoms I'll ask you some questions.... sometimes people get a bit perplexed at the questions I ask but all the information that I get from you will take me closer to choosing the right remedy for you, so please bear with me!

I'll want to know things like what makes it feel better, what makes it feel worse and I'll also want to know what makes YOU feel better or worse...because those are not always necessarily the same thing. 
I'll want to know what was going on before your symptom started and if you've ever suffered with it before. 
I'll want to know if anything else happens with the problem (eg. do you always feel sick when you have a headache)
I'll also want to know more about you as a person...what makes you happy or angry or afraid. How do you sleep? What do you dream about? What kind of foods you really love or what kind of foods don't agree with you? What kinds of things make you worry? And yes, it's often very useful to know about your toilet habits too!

Remember that everything that is said in a consultation is confidential. I won't ever tell anybody else what someone says to me. I am bound by The Alliance of Registered Homeopaths Code of Ethics. (You can check what that means here .)

I will then look at all the information you have given me and look up your symptoms in my Repertory. This is a book of symptoms and from here I will be able to narrow my choice of remedy down to a just a few (and remember there are over 4000 remedies to choose from, so I can't remember all of them!) Once I have my shortlist I'll go then to my Materia Medica. This is where the provings of the remedies are written up to show the full picture of what they do. I'll read the remedies and from there decide which one fits your symptoms best of all.

Usually I'll give you your remedy there and then but sometimes I might take a bit more time to research some things and I'll post it on to you.
You might have just one pillule or it might be a few. Sometimes I give a remedy to be taken three times in 24 hours and sometimes I give one to be taken that night and then another to be taken 48 hours later. I decide on the potency and repetition on a totally individual basis. Everything in homeopathy is tailored to you as an individual. 

So that's what happens in a homeopathic consultation.

I also do EFT and Reiki & Seichem Healing too.

In an EFT session I don't need the same level of detail about your symptoms. We just identify the problem and tap away all of the negative feelings that come up which are associated with that problem. It's very quick and relatively painless emotionally.

In a Reiki & Seichem Healing session you would lie down on the couch (fully clothed of course) and relax. I usually put on some music and then I hold my hands over your body (head and shoulders usually) and the Reiki energy is channeled through me to you.  It is usually experienced as deeply relaxing.
Some people fall asleep and others go into a meditative state while they are receiving their healing.

That's what happens in my consultations. Not scary, not painful and not somewhere to come to if you want to take your clothes off :0)

If you want to give it a go why don't you give me a call on 01977 620983 or drop me an email or take a look at my website 
I love helping people improve their health and their lives.

(And I don't have to see you in person... I also do consultations by phone and by Skype.)

Love and blessings
 "freedom from pain & illness....the natural way"

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