Tuesday 24 May 2011

The Hayfever Season

If you have signed up to my newsletter on my website you may already have got this..... but here it is again for those who haven't....

A few tips on dealing with hayfever symptoms, naturally!

This is the most common allergy in the UK. 1 in 5 of us will suffer from it at some point in our
lives and that number is growing all the time.
Some people’s symptoms persist long after the pollen season and they become affected by other
things such as tobacco smoke, changes in temperature, exercise or even bad smells.

Young people are taking exams when symptoms are often at their worst. Studies have shown that
those suffering are 40% more likely to drop a grade between their mocks and their final exams.

So here are some solutions which are safe and side-effect free.
Remember that “Homeopathy” means “similar suffering” so match the symptoms of the person &
their illness to the picture of the remedy and you’ve got a good homeopathic prescription!

Allium Cepa

Nose: profuse, burning, thin discharge causing soreness on upper lip, with lots of sneezing,
particularly from smell of flowers.
Eyes: profuse watering and itchy, but tears don’t burn.
Throat: May also have a tickly cough
Worse: in the evening, during humid weather, and for being warm.
Better: for cool, fresh air, for keeping moving and bathing affected areas in cool water.


Nose: violent sneezing without relief. Thin, watery, burning discharge. Feels blocked.
Eyes: swollen, burning and sensitive to light
Throat: burning & sore.
Chest: feels tight with a cough
Worse: anything cold, being outside
Better: warmth and applications of heat, rest.


Nose: thin discharge from nose - doesn’t burn. Some sneezing.
Eyes: severely affected by burning discharge and lots of tears. Often with swelling of the lids and
aversion to bright lights (sunshine) and accompanied by a headache.
Worse: indoors, warmth, windy weather and in the evening
Better: outdoors, cold, darkness and gently wiping the eyes.

Nux Vomica

Nose: blocked, especially first thing in the morning, with sneezing.
Eyes: bloodshot and sore and irritated
Throat: itching ... and in the ears too.
Worse: cold draughts, noises, smells... anything which irritates you ... and most things will!
Better: for being left alone and being warm.


Nose: severe bouts of sneezing, runny or dry leaving one nostril blocked. Extremely sensitive to
smelling flowers. Very itchy nose, may want to rub it. Irritation can spread through whole body.
Eyes: red & watery with burning swollen lids.
Throat: dry and sore, worse for swallowing.
Worse: cold, strong smells, mental effort (thinking makes you worse!)
Better: warmth and fresh air

You can buy these from good pharmacies & healthfood shops (or you can buy them from me ☺).

I hope you find all of this useful and that you’ll have the confidence to try using homeopathic
remedies at home.

 If you need any help please contact me at sarah@naturallyhomeopathic.com
and take advantage of my offer of a FREE 15 minute consultation.

‘Freedom from pain & illness … the natural way’

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