Tuesday 13 September 2011

Another great workshop

Clare Walters is running another fabulous workshop for all practitioners and anyone else who wants to live their life to the fullest!

Click here to find out more and to book your place for 20th October

Monday 29 August 2011

Fibromyalgia Syndrome and Homeopathy

This is a great article on Fibromyalgia and Homeopathy.


I KNOW this works because Homeopathy has been a huge part of my getting better from this horrible illness.
If you want to read my story go to here and you can find out how Homeopathy has helped me so much and why I decided to train as a Homeopath myself.

Homeopathy rocks!!

Have a great Bank Holiday everyone!

Tuesday 2 August 2011

Another workshop in Wakefield

More info
This is another workshop being facilitated by Clare Walters and here is what she has to say about it....

When a client responds to a situation emotionally rather than as a rational, grounded adult they may be reverting to ‘child’ mode. When they have a habit of doing this it may be because an emotional pain that they felt at a certain stage in childhood was not acknowledged and their needs at that time were not met. Whenever this ‘wounded child’ feels to be in a similar situation it responds emotionally as it did at the time.

In the workshop I will teach a short guided meditation that accesses the wounded child, allow him or her to feel heard and then have his or her needs met. He or she can then be happily integrated allowing the client to stay in adult mode in stressful situations.

Although simple and brief this process heals profoundly. I am sure that once you experience it you will find it an invaluable and tool that you use to the benefit of many of your clients.

Tuesday 12 July 2011

Dispelling Judgements

I just wanted to let you know about a workshop which will be happening in Wakefield on 22nd July at The Holmfield Arms. 
It is being facilitated by Clare Walters who is a practitioner of many things (Homeopathy, The Work and The  Journey amongst other things)

And it isn't just for practitioners...it's for anyone and everyone who has an interest in improving themselves and creating a better life...for being the best they can possibly be...because we're worth it :)

This is a workshop introducing 'The Work' by Byron Katy. 'The Work' is a profoundly powerful practice that can be used with almost every client. It identifies the strongest and deepest judgments and beliefs that they hold about themselves and then allows them to let go of them them and experience how much freer they would be without them. Practiced regularly it supports clients to change destructive and negative patterns of behaviour. It is applicable across the whole range of clients from (for example) business managers, through people experiencing difficulties in relationships to self-abuse and depression.

Please do get in touch if you think you might be interested in coming along because numbers are limited. 

Send me an email to Sarah@NaturallyHomeopathic.com 
or ring me on 01977 620983

Hope to see you there!

Love and blessings

Monday 4 July 2011

Will I have to take my clothes off?

When I'm talking to people about homeopathy and about what I do they will often ask me this question. And the answer is no, you don't have to take your clothes off....you don't even have to take your coat off if you don't want to!

In a consultation all you really have to do is be able to tell me about what's troubling you. This could be the rash on your skin or the pain in your back or it could be the feelings you have about something that is going on in your life. This is what I'll want to know about, and I won't have to see it if you don't want me to.

Once you have told me about your symptoms I'll ask you some questions.... sometimes people get a bit perplexed at the questions I ask but all the information that I get from you will take me closer to choosing the right remedy for you, so please bear with me!

I'll want to know things like what makes it feel better, what makes it feel worse and I'll also want to know what makes YOU feel better or worse...because those are not always necessarily the same thing. 
I'll want to know what was going on before your symptom started and if you've ever suffered with it before. 
I'll want to know if anything else happens with the problem (eg. do you always feel sick when you have a headache)
I'll also want to know more about you as a person...what makes you happy or angry or afraid. How do you sleep? What do you dream about? What kind of foods you really love or what kind of foods don't agree with you? What kinds of things make you worry? And yes, it's often very useful to know about your toilet habits too!

Remember that everything that is said in a consultation is confidential. I won't ever tell anybody else what someone says to me. I am bound by The Alliance of Registered Homeopaths Code of Ethics. (You can check what that means here .)

I will then look at all the information you have given me and look up your symptoms in my Repertory. This is a book of symptoms and from here I will be able to narrow my choice of remedy down to a just a few (and remember there are over 4000 remedies to choose from, so I can't remember all of them!) Once I have my shortlist I'll go then to my Materia Medica. This is where the provings of the remedies are written up to show the full picture of what they do. I'll read the remedies and from there decide which one fits your symptoms best of all.

Usually I'll give you your remedy there and then but sometimes I might take a bit more time to research some things and I'll post it on to you.
You might have just one pillule or it might be a few. Sometimes I give a remedy to be taken three times in 24 hours and sometimes I give one to be taken that night and then another to be taken 48 hours later. I decide on the potency and repetition on a totally individual basis. Everything in homeopathy is tailored to you as an individual. 

So that's what happens in a homeopathic consultation.

I also do EFT and Reiki & Seichem Healing too.

In an EFT session I don't need the same level of detail about your symptoms. We just identify the problem and tap away all of the negative feelings that come up which are associated with that problem. It's very quick and relatively painless emotionally.

In a Reiki & Seichem Healing session you would lie down on the couch (fully clothed of course) and relax. I usually put on some music and then I hold my hands over your body (head and shoulders usually) and the Reiki energy is channeled through me to you.  It is usually experienced as deeply relaxing.
Some people fall asleep and others go into a meditative state while they are receiving their healing.

That's what happens in my consultations. Not scary, not painful and not somewhere to come to if you want to take your clothes off :0)

If you want to give it a go why don't you give me a call on 01977 620983 or drop me an email Sarah@NaturallyHomeopathic.com or take a look at my website www.NaturallyHomeopathic.com 
I love helping people improve their health and their lives.

(And I don't have to see you in person... I also do consultations by phone and by Skype.)

Love and blessings
 "freedom from pain & illness....the natural way"

Wednesday 8 June 2011

How to make a Homeopathic Remedy

A couple of weeks ago I wrote about how we find out what a remedy does, what it will heal and I said then that I would write about how a remedy is actually made and perhaps dispel some of those myths like "there's nothing in it" and other such nonsense.

Well it was back in the days of the French Revolution and the Napoleonic Wars that Samuel Hahnemann (1755 - 1843) was going about his business of being a doctor. He was a very hardworking man but was having great difficulty feeding and clothing his family on his meagre doctor's salary. He was also becoming more and more disillusioned by the barbaric practices of the medical profession of the day... blood-letting, purging and poisoning were commonplace "treatments". So instead he concentrated on studying, researching and translating medical books (he spoke many languages fluently...a very clever man was Sam.)

It was while he was translating a book by Dr William Cullen, a Scottish doctor and writer, that he came across an essay about Peruvian bark (from which quinine is extracted...the only known treatment at that time for malaria).  Cullen said it would cure the symptoms of periodic fever, sweating and palpitations because it was bitter. But Hahnemann didn't quite believe that this could be the reason so he tested tiny doses of it on himself and found that he experienced a whole host of symptoms not unlike malaria itself. 
So that was really the first actual Proving of a substance which was then to be made into a remedy. 

For the next six years he did many more Provings on himself, his family, his friends, indeed anyone who would stand still long enough to let him. Sometimes these Provings would end up in an accidental poisoning and that wasn't so good, but it didn't deter him. After all it hadn't killed anyone, unlike the other medical practices of the day. But Hahnemann was dissatisfied with the results of using the diluted medicines....when they were dilute enough to cause no side-effects they no longer actually cured anything. What was going wrong? Why won't they working like he *knew* they should? 

Rumour has it he picked up a bottle of a dilute medicine and in frustration banged it hard on the leather-bound Bible on his desk.


Stirring the medicine between dilutions wasn't enough to allow the energy of the substance to be released...it needed to be shaken very hard. He called it "succussion" and the result was a potentised remedy; a remedy which didn't cause any side-effects but one which cured the problem. He then discovered that the more he diluted and succussed it the more potent it became.
This was the safe form of medicine which he had been searching for. The medical profession was about to be turned on its head.
Unfortunately for Samuel he was ridiculed and hounded out of Germany. He was, after all, a real threat to the livelihoods of not only the doctors but also the vast numbers of apothecaries which had sprung up in recent years. They couldn't make any money out of what Samuel was doing. They were used to making up large amounts of substances consisting of many different substances and not the tiny amounts of the single substances that he was now prescribing. No...he had to go. (Does this story sound familiar to any of you who have followed the persecution of Homeopaths in recent years??)

Fortunately for the world Samuel was able to move to Paris and carry on his work and his research and his healing, albeit in a quieter than hoped for way.

Anyway, that is how he made his remedies. He diluted and succussed them until they cured the problems which he knew they should...the problems which had shown up in the Provings.

When I was learning about homeopathy I was really interested in all of that. You know it told me just how the remedies I was prescribing for myself, my family, my friends, my friends' families etc actually came into being. So I already knew more about what I was giving to people...the actual substances and how and why they cured what they did.....than the average GP when he/she prescribed a medicine. That felt really good to me.
But being me I also wanted to know how they were actually made....I mean the nitty-gritty of the remedy being diluted and shaken....I mean how did they get Sulphur into a bottle of liquid when I knew that it was a mineral?
So.... I had to learn about that too......

Ok, so let's take Sulphur for instance. It's a mineral...a yellowy brown crystal.... sometimes found as a powdery coating. It doesn't dissolve though, so how can it be diluted?

Well a piece of sulphur is put into a mortar and ground up. They call it triturated..... it means ground up very finely, and when I say finely I mean really finely....they triturate it, usually by hand for an hour. And then take one part sulphur and add that to ninety nine parts of milk-sugar (also a powder). Then they triturate this for an hour.  At this stage the potency is known as a 1c. The c means "centesimal"...one part in a hundred. Then take one part of this mixture and add it to ninety-nine parts of milk-sugar. This is then a 2c. Repeat again to get a 3c. Once it is in 3c potency we can then take one part of that mixture and add it ninety-nine parts of pure alcohol and then succuss it 100 times (remember Hahnemann with his leather-bound Bible?) This is now the way it continues, in liquid form.

We can have remedies in every potency from a 1c up to 100M. The "M" means thousand. So a remedy which is 100M has gone through this process one hundred thousand times. That's a lot of diluting and succussing but it's also a very potent medicine! Many of the lower potencies are still made by hand in this same way as Hahnemann made them all those years ago, but the higher potencies tend to be made using a machine which does the succussing for you.
Most Homeopaths in practice these days wouldn't dream of making up their own remedies like this. Most of us tend to buy them from the homeopathic pharmacies who stock thousands of remedies in just about any potency we might require....and if they don't have it in already they are usually willing to make it for us. 

So.... I hope that this has been useful and/or interesting at least. 

There IS something in it after all!

And remember where to find me if you do want to give homeopathy a try.....

I do consultations by phone, Skype and of course, face-to-face :0)


Tuesday 24 May 2011

Happy Holidays!

You're thinking about it, right?....booking a holiday somewhere in the sun....aaaahhhh....

Whether you’re enjoying this fabulous British summer weather or venturing further afield this year, here are
some valuable tips to take on holiday with you. This month we’re covering travel sickness, jetlag and beastie

My absolute number 1 remedy for taking away on holiday is Arsenicum Album... if you take no other remedy
with you then take this one! It can stop travelling tummy problems within a few minutes. Burning, griping
tummy ache with sickness and diarrhoea... know what that feels like? Arsenicum is the remedy to take.


Cocculus: My#1 travel sickness remedy. Particularly for that constant nausea often brought on by undulating
motion on a boat, car or plane. Worse for the sight, smell or even thought of food. Feeling of weakness and/or
dizziness, also empty or hollow feeling in the stomach. People needing Cocculus will be very tired... it’s a great
remedy for jetlag too!

Petroleum: Constant nausea, again with an empty feeling but may feel a bit better if they eat something. They
may have excessive salivation and pain in the stomach and even the back of the head & neck.

Tabacum: Nauseous, faint, green, extremely pale, icy cold, or very tired with a terrible sinking feeling in the
pit of the stomach. May also be accompanied by a cold sweat, yellow or yellow-green vomit and a headache
that feels like a tight band pulled around the head. The person may feel better with cold, fresh air, or when
closing the eyes, and worse with any movement.

Argent Nit: Dizziness, nausea, and vomiting suggest this remedy, especially if the person is excitable and
anxious. The person may also feel claustrophobic and/or have a fear of flying.


No one wants to be too tired to enjoy their holiday, or indeed come home feeling like they haven’t had a break
because they’re so tired... a few remedies will really help you to adjust your body clock so that you’re firing on
all cylinders again in no time.

Arnica: It’s a shock to the system travelling over time zones. Arnica will help to ease that shock by assisting
you to sleep and overcoming the tiredness.

Cocculus: One of the main indications for this remedy is that over-wrought feeling which comes from a lack of
sleep. Alternate this remedy with Arnica every 4 hours.

Lycopodium: It’s not always thought of as being a jetlag remedy but I have found that you might get back
into a good sleep pattern quickly using Arnica and Cocculus but you don’t quite feel yourself because your
digestion hasn’t caught up with you yet. Lycopodium will help get things back to regular movements again!

There are also some great essences available to help with travel issues. Travel Essence from Australian Bush
Essence range is good, so is the Alaskan essence combination, TravelEase.


Itch, scratch, scratch! Argh! These little beasties bites hurt and can ruin a fabulous tan. Some remedies can
help to take away the itch, and help prevent infection. A couple of additions to your diet might help too...
apparently biting insects don’t like the taste of you if you take a Vitamin B complex and garlic capsules.

Staphisagria: this is my #1 remedy for insect bites. Itching that makes you cross!

Apis: #1 remedy for bee stings. The area will be hot and puffy. It will feel better for cold applications
and will feel worse for touch and heat.

Ledum: great remedy for bites and stings of all kinds. It may look pale and swollen and it may feel cold. If it is
given soon after the bite it may help to prevent Tetanus.

Hypericum: again another remedy which helps to prevent Tetanus. Particularly good if the injury feels like the
nerves are damaged.

All essences and remedies are available to buy from good health-food shops, or you could order them directly
from me.

Send me an email at sarah@naturallyhomeopathic.com or call me on 01977 620983 and I can make up a kit
just for you.

And do remember the most important advice: wherever you are going or whatever you’re doing, have a great