Tuesday 10 May 2011

Animals can't lie...or be persuaded that it's a placebo....

A few weeks ago I was asked if I could take in a couple of kittens whose mother had abandoned them. She had taken some of the litter but left these two. I've never been able to see anything being left out in the cold, uncuddled and cared for so of course my answer was yes.
They were two little toms, about three weeks old and both were black & white. They thrived on raw minced chicken, beef and liver with a bit of finely chopped veggies thrown in occasionally. Because they were so young though they still needed milk. I bought the baby kitten/puppy formula milk from the pet shop and they took that happily from a bottle for a couple of days. Many cats don't tolerate cows milk very well however and on the advice of another homeopath who runs a cat sanctuary I changed their milk to goats milk. They loved that!
But we live quite a distance from the nearest shop....and and even more considerable distance from a shop which sells goats milk and I had run out. It was late Saturday evening so they just had to have some of the formula until someone could get to the shop the next day.
Overnight one of the kittens, Little Oliver (as he was known) became quite ill. He vomited and had diarrhoea in the bed (their bed thankfully, not mine) and was quite listless, not interested in eating, playing or doing anything other than sleeping. It was not looking good. I couldn't persuade him to drink and it was looking rather like a trip to the vet was necessary. That wasn't going to be cheap on a Sunday. So first I got my remedy kit out......
China was looking like a likely candidate here..... he was suffering after a loss of fluids, he was sleeping a lot and I had nothing to lose at this point. But China 6c didn't do anything. He still lay there on my knee, or cuddled up on my shoulder not moving very much, panting occasionally but certainly taking no interest in life. I began to feel a bit of rising panic (it's ok....it's what I do!) and decided that this litte "corpse" needed reviving....so I gave him some Carbo Veg 30c. Again nothing. Nothing changed. He was struggling here and I couldn't do much for him but cuddle him to make him feel better...... LIGHTBULB MOMENT! He wanted cuddles, he was visibly more comfortable when we went outside, he got poorly when he drank the wrong kind of milk and he had been abandoned by his mum...... I gave him a drop of Pulsatilla 200c and he shook his head, jumped off my knee and chased his brother under the kitchen table. 
And that was it.... from that moment on he has been fine. He moved into his new home a week ago and he is a healthy happy little kitty.


  1. Excellent work! It is amazing how quickly and effective homeopathy works when the exactly right remedy is selected!

  2. 2 very healthy happy kittens left us ... well done Sarah! xxx

  3. Lovely post Sarah.....animals are so fast to respond to a well prescribed remedy....rather like children! Thanks for sharing and love the new site!

  4. Aww lovely story Sarah. Hope the kitties and you are doing well. xxx

  5. Such a delight and so rewarding when you hit the spot with the right remedy. Well done, Sarah and thank the Lord for Homeopathy!
